"Be Part of the Future! Not the Past! - Together, Let's Change Rotherham for Good!"

"I stand for Rotherham, I make no apologies for having pride in Rotherham. I will speak up at every opportunity for Rotherham and it's people".
Peter Thirlwall

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Back to the Future for Tory Economic Policy?

Now that the dust has settled on last weeks Budget and we have had a chance to consider the response of the Tory Opposition and take a peek at their approach to the future running of economic policy, it is quite apparent that most of the lessons of the last fifteen years have completely passed them by!

My Tory opponent needs to explain why, after all, the Tory proposals are pretty much now as put forward by the Tories at every election since1997? 

Firstly it was William Hague, then Michael Howard now it is Cameron and George Osborne trying to convince us that this time the outcome will be different, if they simply wrap it up in a nice sugary and soft covering to conceal that at it's heart their approach has not really changed since Margaret Thatcher destroyed our industries, with the same economic approach they are still advocating, as the answer to the country's problems in the 21st century.

It is surprising, that although we see a clapped out and corrupt Labour Government, at the fag end of this Parliament they are still within touching distance of hanging on in Government. 
The Tories are desperate to show that they have changed, in doing so, they just prove they are still the same 'Old' Tories at heart, and they haven't changed one bit! 

A bunch of various toffs with privileged backgrounds telling ordinary folk that they now embrace them, and their aspirations, is a frankly ridiculous spectacle! 
Every time one looks closely at The Tories, the echos of the past a still being heard like a drum beat, The Tories haven't changed! Just the sugar coating!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Government rocked by chaos in drugs policy. Again!

Just when we thought that the public could rely on this Labour Goverment to get a proper grip on the future of drugs policy, the shock resignation today of another Senior Government Adviser on drugs, Dr Polly Taylor, blows it all apart again. She is the sixth to do so, citing 'knee jerk' politicians and their continued failure even to properly consider the experts advice when making decisions. They stand accused for the 6th time now of being motivated and driven by political expediency and prejudice rather than considered advice. Two might appear careless? but six?
Labours Drugs policy is in chaos and lies in tatters! The Tories will be no better!
These failures are affecting us all! We all know that, along with all northern towns, Rotherham has more than it's fair share of damage caused by all drugs including alcohol and tobacco! I believe that, the chemicals that the 'young and even the not so young' routinely use for pleasure purposes, at least at the beginning, are doing insidious damage to the fabric of our future society, when the next generation accept drug taking to be the norm, what then?
By instinct I could not be more Anti-Drugs in general but even I can see that simple policy making by diktat, especially when it overides the considered advice of a panel of experts he himself had chosen, is unwise, without giving a great deal of attention to all the details. Prejudice is often wrong. Evidence can be tested.
I am sure that the people of Rotherham would prefer me, at least, to consider advice and evidence before rejecting it!
The people most affected by this paralysis of policy are the innumerable families affected by a family members' drug or alcohol abuse. It destroys whole families slowly from within and when they are desperate and ready to break their addictions and turn to help, it simply isn't there.

We need a drugs policy that works! Not the mess and confused policy we have now. I am equally sure that this will continue under a Tory Administration which would have more problems with it than Labour, because of the previous known antics of the social circles they prefer us not to realise they still inhabit.

I will argue for a 'joined up' drugs policy that as well as punishes effectively, the criminality also provides the help needed to answer that call for it , when it comes. Whole families are affected and rehabilitation policy must reflect this in the range of support on offer.

Peter Thirlwall
Rotherham's own Independent Parliamentary Candidate.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Labour's Last Budget? A wasted opportunity! Peter's response.

I don't know what Alistair Darling expected the country to think of his latest and last Budget called 'Securing the recovery'.

'Fiddling while Rome burns', would be far more apt. There is very little to be positive about as this budget has the unfortunate effect of ensuring that there will be a second budget this year whoever is running the country after the election.

This budget conceals more than illuminates. Basic tax allowances are not going up this year, inflation will increase the effect of this and make the lowest paid bear the brunt of these hidden tax increases. Already suffering badly, more pain is to be heaped on them in the form of taxes on the 'naughty' things like alcohol and tobacco. Because of the increases in duty on fuel, food and basics will get more expensive and impact disproportionately on the less well off.

National Insurance, an income tax on working people by another name, is also unchanged. This is a disgraceful missed opportunity to apply the tax system with a degree of social justice for all, not just for the better off!

We are all aware that the economic climate now is poorly placed to provide the support and assistance that Rotherham will need if is to prosper in the future.

There are some encouraging signs, at least at the high-tech end of engineering. The town may be able to look forward to the benefits that these developments will bring to the local economy. 

Only if the economy avoids a 'double dip' recession will this go ahead as planned. 
We need good jobs, highly skilled with a long term future. 
Rotherham will need advocates at all levels.
I am prepared to be your voice where it matters!

Peter Thirlwall
Rotherham's own Independent.


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Question Time for MacShane?

MacShane has finally surfaced again, as predicted, a few weeks before the General Election!
He set up his own version of Question Time, organised by the supposedly non political South Yorkshire Women's Development Trust.
Chaired by MacShane himself with a hand picked panel, he even included his latest girl friend for good measure. None of them having any relevance to the voters of Rotherham.
Denis hand picked the questions to give himself an easy ride, preaching to the converted! From this point of view a 'Church’ hosting such a politically partisan event seems to me to be crassly inappropriate at best and an outrage at worst!
Not one direct question on his scandalous expenses! None either on the lamentable record of the Labour Government! Or anything about the disgraceful scandals that have engulfed him and the information he simply refuses to give us! John Healey can manage it, so why can’t MacShane!
MacShane thinks he can go into this election without explaining any of his expenses to his voters! He is treating his voters with total contempt!
Anna Chester, one of MacShanes party organisers, said "there is clearly an appetite to have those meetings more often". I can assure her there is.
Perhaps Anna, who as well as being a labour organiser and also a volunteer with the non political SYWD, would organise a Question Time chaired by a neutral.
Invite a panel that included Peter Thirlwall and MacShane.
It would give you an audience that would be so large that there is no venue in Rotherham that could fit everyone in! The tickets would be very much sought after!
The Women of Rotherham require answers too!
They deserve answers from both the incumbent and his principal challenger, Peter Thirlwall. Answers to the questions they actually want to ask!
Peter Thirlwall, the Independent Candidate, is an incredible politician and if the roles were reversed and MacShane was the Independent candidate at the next election, MacShane would lose his deposit!
Thirlwall's popularity is increasing by the day. With your help, he will defy all the odds, and win the Rotherham seat!
If you would like to help Peter or would like to speak to him directly, don't delay he is the most approachable person you are likely to meet and would love to hear from you.

George Valentine
Council Waste Watcher

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Labours Dirty Dozen! There are many more!

Guido Fawkes Blog order-order.com published this story today 'Labours Dirty Dozen'.

I do not personally endorse this web site, but often important stories on Parliamentary Sleaze first see the light of day on this site, I think all Rotherham's Voters should look at this site from time to time.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Bell Principles - No Gimmick - Peter Writes!

The real problem in Rotherham is the continual Political Party Games the Labour and Tories get up to here, in the Town Hall and in Parliament!

We, the Rotherham Independents, believe in more direct accountability to you the voter, a level of openness in the way we make our decisions on what to support on your behalf and a completely fresh approach summed up in the Bell Principles.
Our opponents, in a shameful piece of political opportunism, dismiss our approach, but it is gaining support throughout Rotherham, which is what has them rattled!

"It is time for good old fashioned commonsense to prevail."
"Rotherham Independents offer a better future for Rotherham than the tired old politics of the 19th and 20th centuries."

The Bell Principles build upon Lord Nolan's Principles of 1995.
We will

  • abide wholeheartedly by the spirit and letter of the Seven Principles of Public Life set out by Lord Nolan in 1995: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership
  • be guided by considered evidence, our real world experience and expertise, our constituencies and our consciences
  • be free of control of any political party, pressure group or whip
  • be non-discriminatory, ethical and committed to pluralism
  • make decisions transparently and openly at every stage and level of the political process, enabling people to see how decisions are made and the evidence on which they are based
  • listen, consulting our communities constantly and innovatively treat political opponents with courtesy and respect, challenging them when we believe they are wrong, and agreeing with them when we believe they are right
  • resist abuses of power and patronage and promote democracy at every level
  • work with other elected independents as a group with a chosen spokesperson
  • claim expenses, salaries and compensation openly so the public can judge the value for money of our activities

Support us! Let's together, make Rotherham a Town we can all be proud of!

Peter Thirlwall 
Independent Candidate
Rotherham Constituency

See also My Pledge To Rotherham posted 1st February 2010


Monday, 1 March 2010

Labour and Tory Party's - Non-Domicile Embarrassment!

The truth has finally been revealed. The Tory Party's principal donor, Lord Ashcroft (Baron Ashcroft, of Chichester in the county of West Sussex, ennobled in 2000), is a tax evader!
He pays only a small proportion of the tax he should pay to the United Kingdom Exchequer.

Why does this matter? Lord Ashcroft is not only a very generous Tory benefactor (reported to have given £6,000,000 in the recent past) but is part of William Hague's team, present when policy matters are discussed and travelling with William Hague on foreign trips. 

Today's revelations also call into question his entitlement to sit in the House of Lords as Non-Doms are no longer supposed to be allowed. 

My Tory opponent, Jacqueline Whiteley, has some explaining to do!  
If she wants to be trusted by the voters of Rotherham, she has to explain why this man has been able to get so much influence, apparently with his money, when he is not resident in this country for Tax purposes. How does this fit in with the Tory Party's claims to be open and honest when all questions have been met with obfuscation or silence. It is now time to come clean!

The Labour Party has a similar problem in the shape of Sraj Paul, Baron Paul, of Marylebone in the City of Westminster to give him his full title.  He is a significant Labour Donor, ennobled in 1996 and put on the Privy Council, a very high honour indeed allowing him to us the title preceded by Rt Hon the Lord Paul.

Like Lord Ashcroft, Sraj Paul is a Non-Dom too, it has emerged, and similar questions need a full an honest answer from Labour as well.

Denis MacShane needs to explain this to his constituents, as well as properly accounting for our money he has spent.

If he wants to regain any credibility amongst his voters, he must answer the above, simple questions.

One would like to say, Denis.  It is your continued silence on these matters, that is harming your prospects electorally. Your constituents cannot believe that you are acting in this way and previous disclosures and the inevitable questions they provoke, must be answered by you.
The contempt for your electorate that is involved here, is staggering!
This can be remedied easily and simply by the disclosure of the basic information your electorate expects from you, if you are to get them to vote for you. 

Put simply, Denis please tell us?

Denis and Jacqueline, Rotherham is waiting, don't treat them with contempt, your electorate demand answers, before they vote for either of you!
